Pa Amb OliBy tapasonlineBread with garlic, tomato and olive oil - Pa amb Oli (pamboli) in Mallorca, Pa amb Tomaquet in Catalonia, and Pan con Tomate in the rest of Spain are basically variations on a theme, though the locals in each region will tell you that theirs is the original and genuine. The main difference is that Pan con Tomate usually has grated tomato spread on, whilst the others are scrubbed with tomato. It is made with the local bread or half a baguette. Any bread of your choice will be fine, but the denser the better.
Pan de AjoBy tapasonlineGarlic bread - It can be made with virtually any kind of bread, but baguette is a favourite, either cut into slices or down the middle. Alternatively, any kind of cob or bloomer type loaf cut into medium to thick slices. For cheesy garlic bread, place thinly sliced or grated cheese on top before putting in the oven. A Spanish cheese would be great, but an ordinary cheddar is fine. Watch carefully as it can go from perfect to burnt very quickly!
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