Montaditos de SalmónBy tapasonlineThere are many versions of this canapé, but this one is quick and easy and one of the benefits of this dish is that it can be made in advance. You can add extra toppings, such as chopped cherry tomato, cucumber or caviar. Dill is the traditional garnish, but flat parsley is more Spanish.
Croquetas de PolloBy tapasonlineCroquettes are really popular in Spain, with quite a number of different fillings. If you want to save time, you can buy béchamel sauce mix in powder form or even ready-made in jars, but be sure that you have the right consistency for rolling the croquettes – you may need to thicken it a little.
AlbóndigasBy tapasonlineThis is a standard recipe for meatballs, but there are quite a few regional variations and specialities. Some are all pork, some all beef and it is not unusual to add herbs such as oregano and thyme. There are even recipes containing ground almonds, so by all means have fun experimenting.
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